Thursday, December 6, 2018




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Originally shared by 徐紫涵(Hsu Tzu-Han Molly Athena)公平正義(理想)宇宙政府宇宙軍隊們

Originally shared by 徐紫涵(Hsu Tzu-Han Molly Athena)公平正義(理想)宇宙政府宇宙軍隊們

Originally shared by 徐紫涵(Hsu Tzu-Han Molly Athena)公平正義(理想)宇宙政府宇宙軍隊們
The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government The universe armies.

The Boeing Company Willing to support
The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government
波音公司 願意支持公平正義(理想)政府
( 後面的靈為宇宙科學家們包括: 水螅. 捕蟲草. 花仙子.螳螂人類. H 人類 . 木星球 高 人類 .木 星球 矮 人類 .. )
(The back spirits for the universe scientists include: otter ( Hydra ). Pitcher plant. Flower fairy. H human . Tángláng human.Wood planet (Jupiter) high human.Wood planet (Jupiter) short human .)

( 幫助真正專利擁有者)
(Helping real patent owners)

The spirit behind the National Geographic magazine and the spirit behind Wikipedia Willing to join the army of
The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government

"' 英國政府殺了7百萬人(, 只因為7百萬人他們不贊成皇制.
The British government killed 7 million people,
Just because 7 million people they disagree with the Imperial system "'

公平正義(理想)宇宙政府 -- 美國軍政府代表
The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe
Governmen -- US military government representative

Steve Jobs 說: (請小心. 有假的Steve Jobs)
Steve Jobs said: (Please be careful. There is fake Steve Jobs)

英國" 女人國王 " 伊莉莎白一世( 伊莉莎白一世 ) 說:
The British "Woman King" Elizabeth I (Elisabeth I) said:

that the 7 million people (people who disapprove of the
imperial system)

will all die and disappear forever.

威廉·塞西爾 ( William Cecil )
皮爾斯·布洛斯南 Pierce Brosnan Berlinale
湯姆·克魯斯 Tom Cruise

-- 宇宙總統 ( Universe President )
-- 地球總統 ( Earth President )
-- 英國總統 ( British president )

2018.05.19 有貼文章President Donald J. Trump 的留言
2018.05.19 posted article in President Donald J. Trump - President Donald J. Trump Leave comments

Now on the first page of the front page

Evil spirits were decided to let the Earth people disappear forever.

唐納德·約翰·特朗普 Donald John Trump - 美國總統 ( America president ) -- 宇宙總統 ( Universe President )
-- 地球總統 ( Earth President )
-- 美國總統 ( America president )

2018.05.08 有貼文章在 FBI 美國聯邦調查局 的留言
2018.05.08 posted article in FBI - FBI Leave comments
Now on the first page of the front page

全宇宙安全總統亞伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)
All the universe Security President Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln)

眾無敵鐵金剛,眾天虎們, 眾柯博文們及天水等加入
Invincible Iron King Kong, Zhongtianhu, Zhongke Bowen and Tianshui joined

木星(Jupiter)(人+靈)(包括: 木星人高人族及木星人矮人族)
Jupiter (person + spirit) (including:Jupiter high human and Jupiter short human)

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government The universe armys.

"' 英國政府殺了7百萬人, 只因為7百萬人他們不贊成皇制.
The British government killed 7 million people,
Just because 7 million people they disagree with the Imperial system "'

全宇宙安全總統亞伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)
All the universe Security President Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln)

眾無敵鐵金剛,眾天虎們, 眾柯博文們及天水等加入
Invincible Iron King Kong, Zhongtianhu, Zhongke Bowen and Tianshui joined

木星(Jupiter)(人+靈)(包括: 木星人高人族及木星人矮人族)
Jupiter (person + spirit) (including:Jupiter high human and Jupiter short human)

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government
機器人團隊: ( 他們是由靈直接控制機器人 )
Robot team: (They are directly controlled by the spirit)

700位本師釋迦牟尼佛 (老天) ( 藥師佛 (塵) , 道祖太上老君 (塵) , 觀世音菩薩 (塵) , 七龍珠 (塵) , 青玄 (塵) 等等) 阿里不達 (塵) , 混元一炁聖祖 (塵) , 桃源聖中 (塵) Cosmos 1, Cosmos 0 , 宙斯(上帝),( Zeus (God),(蟑螂), 蘇府七代巡 (塵) , 鐵板神算2 (塵) , 紫薇 (塵) , 阿拉 (塵) , 周公(周易) (塵) , 刑天, 蘇武 , 關羽(關公), 柯博文 (塵) , 伏地魔(Lord Voldemort) (塵) ,密卡登(Megatron) (塵) , 霸天虎 (塵) , 渾元法師 (塵) , 無敵鐵金剛(高Z)(塵), 柯博文1 (蘇武005) (塵) , 王禪老祖 (塵) , 虎爺538 , 虎爺508 , 雷雨師1 (塵) , 人馬 1 (塵) , 鍾馗 , 諸葛亮(孔明) , 孟子508, 鬼谷子, 墨子, 元始天尊, 孫思邈, 楊戩, 廣目 (塵) (四大金剛), 黃帝, 蘇洵, 蘇軾, 蘇轍 ,豬面人538(怪獸), 達摩1(塵), 文昌君1(塵), 八大金剛 ( 青除災金剛、黃隨求金剛、赤聲火金剛、白淨水金剛、紫賢金剛、辟毒金剛、定持災金剛、大神金剛 )

Newly joined:

漢翔科技 後面的靈
The spirit behind Hanxiang Technology

Bombardier 後面的靈
The spirit behind Bombardier

Disney 後面的靈
The spirit behind Disney

微軟 後面的靈
The spirit behind Microsoft

Star Wars 後面的靈
The spirit behind Star Wars

PIXAR 後面的靈
The spirit behind PIXAR

Google 後面的靈
The spirit behind Google

IBM後面的靈 ,
The spirit behind IBM,

The spirit behind ASUS

Apple 後面的靈
The spirit behind Apple

Mercedes-Benz 後面的靈 ,
The spirit behind Mercedes-Benz,

The spirit behind BMW,

The spirit behind TOYOTA,

法拉利 後面的靈
The spirit behind Ferrari

保時捷 後面的靈
The spirit behind Porsche

木星 矮 人類 David (宇宙大帝) ,
Jupiter Short Human David (Universe Emperor),

The spirit behind the Hydra,


Philips, 後面的靈
The spirit behind Philips,

豬面 人類 1 ( 508 )(538)
Pig face human 1 ( 508 )(538)


The spirit behind the National Geographic magazine and the spirit behind Wikipedia Willing to join the army of
The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government

The Boeing Company Willing to support
The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government
波音公司 願意支持公平正義(理想)政府

( 後面的靈為宇宙科學家們包括:
(The back spirits for the universe scientists include

Shakyamuni Buddha

Invincible Iron King Kong( dust mite )

otter ( Hydra ).

Pitcher plant.

Flower fairy.

Tángláng human.

H 人類 .
H human .

木星球 高 人類 .
Wood planet (Jupiter) high human.

木 星球 矮 人類 .
Wood planet (Jupiter) short human .

Cosmos.( 蜥蜴人類 Lizard human )

( 幫助真正專利擁有者)
(Helping real patent owners)

有傳給(Has passed to) -- 美國中央情報局.( Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ). 聯合國 ( United Nations )

The universe army includes:

美國軍隊(American Armies ) . 美國中央情報局.( Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ). FBI
外星人A-Z ,
太陽系的九大行星,以太陽為中心依序為:水星(Mercury)(人+靈)、金星(Venus)(人+靈)、地球(Earth) (靈界)、
火星(Mars)(人+靈)、木星(Jupiter)(人+靈)(包括: 木星人高人族及木星人矮人族)、土星(Saturn)(人+靈)、天王星(Uranus)(人+靈)、海王星(Neptune)(人+靈) 、微王星(冥王星)(Pluto)(人+靈)。Cosmos(人+靈)

修正版: 2018. 06.16 08:05

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government announced here:

2018.05.05 在地球的聯合國已正式 通過 承認
In the United Nations of the Earth has officially passed to accept

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government

2018.06.06 有貼文章在 聯合國 的留言
2018.06.06 posted articles in United Nations Leave comments

2018.05.08 有貼文章在 FBI 美國聯邦調查局 的留言
2018.05.08 posted article in FBI - FBI Leave comments

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government ) has asked Taiwan National Security Agency to pass the information to:
聯合國 ( United Nations ) , 美國中央情報局.( Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ).
台灣總統府( Taiwanese Presidential Palace ),
中國政府( Chinese government )
美國政府( American government )
蘇俄政府(Soviet government)

公平正義(理想)宇宙政府 - 軍事執行區域宇宙總統
全宇宙行政總統宙斯(上帝),( Zeus (God),(蟑螂)
全宇宙行政總統班傑明富蘭克林,( Benjamin Franklin)
全宇宙行政總統亞伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)
全宇宙行政總統威廉·塞西爾( William Cecil ),
全宇宙行政總統保羅紐曼( Paul Newman ) 2018.04.04 05:23 加入

全宇宙行政總統諸葛亮(孔明), 在此共同宣布:東方軍事宇宙總統

戰略顧問 -- 依照安全順序排列:
全宇宙安全總統徐紫涵 (原名:徐孟玲) -- 戰略顧問 -- 全宇宙公平正義無限延伸光芒防衛系統.(因為是公平正義(理想)宇宙主義創建者及重要專利擁有者)
全宇宙安全總統亞伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)
All the universe Security President Abraham Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln)
區域宇宙安全總統宙斯(上帝) (蟑螂) -- 戰略顧問 -- 分區制衡, 互不往來.
美國軍隊(American Armies ) . 美國中央情報局.( Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ).

修正版: 2018. 03.16
東方軍事執行區域宇宙總統: ( 此為部門, 因資歷高者,也會輪流到各部門 )

700位本師釋迦牟尼佛 (老天) ( 藥師佛 (塵) , 道祖太上老君 (塵) , 觀世音菩薩 (塵) , 七龍珠 (塵) , 青玄 (塵) 等等) 阿里不達 (塵) , 混元一炁聖祖 (塵) , 桃源聖中 (塵) Cosmos 1, Cosmos 0 , 宙斯(上帝),( Zeus (God),(蟑螂), 蘇府七代巡 (塵) , 鐵板神算2 (塵) , 紫薇 (塵) , 阿拉 (塵) , 周公(周易) (塵) , 刑天, 蘇武 , 關羽(關公), 柯博文 (塵) , 伏地魔(Lord Voldemort) (塵) ,密卡登(Megatron) (塵) , 霸天虎 (塵) , 渾元法師 (塵) , 無敵鐵金剛(高Z)(塵), 柯博文1 (蘇武005) (塵) , 王禪老祖 (塵) , 虎爺538 , 虎爺508 , 雷雨師1 (塵) , 人馬 1 (塵) , , 鍾馗 , 諸葛亮(孔明) , 孟子508, 孔子, 鬼谷子, 墨子, 莊子, 元始天尊, 孫思邈, 楊戩, 廣目 (塵) (四大金剛), 保羅紐曼( Paul Newman ). 黃帝, 蘇洵, 蘇軾, 蘇轍 , 文天祥, 濟公活佛, 中國國父孫文, 荀子, 豬面人538(怪獸), 達摩1(塵), 文昌君1(塵), 八大金剛 ( 青除災金剛、黃隨求金剛、赤聲火金剛、白淨水金剛、紫賢金剛、辟毒金剛、定持災金剛、大神金剛 ) 何應欽將軍, 小李子1, 李國鼎, 張榮發, 郭台銘, 孫運璿, 馬鎮方, David Su (梅花家業神父), 丁松筠,蔣經國, 24生肖人. 洪門

美國軍隊(American Armies ) . 美國中央情報局.( Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ).
外星人A-Z ,
太陽系的九大行星,以太陽為中心依序為:水星(Mercury)(人+靈)、金星(Venus)(人+靈)、地球(Earth) (靈界)、
火星(Mars)(人+靈)、木星(Jupiter)(人+靈)(包括: 木星人高人族及木星人矮人族)、土星(Saturn)(人+靈)、天王星(Uranus)(人+靈)、海王星(Neptune)(人+靈) 、微王星(冥王星)(Pluto)(人+靈)。Cosmos(人+靈)

東方軍事顧問區域宇宙總統: ( 此為部門, 因資歷高者,也會輪流到各部門 )

赫伯特·克拉克·胡佛 (胡華)(Herbert Clark Hoover), 項羽, 劉邦 , 24生肖人,
美國軍隊(American Armies ) . 美國中央情報局.( Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ).
外星人A-Z , .
太陽系的九大行星,以太陽為中心依序為:水星(Mercury)(人+靈)、金星(Venus)(人+靈)、地球(Earth) (靈界)、火星(Mars)(人+靈)、木星(Jupiter)(人+靈)、土星(Saturn)(人+靈)、天王星(Uranus)(人+靈)、海王星(Neptune)(人+靈) 、微王星(冥王星)(Pluto)(人+靈)。Cosmos(人+靈)

東方軍事執行區域宇宙副總統: ( 此為部門, 因資歷高,也會輪流到各部門 )

劉文雄, 徐家旺,
東方軍事執行區域宇宙院長:( 此為部門, 因資歷高者,也會輪流到各部門 )
徐興杰, 張新發, 徐興炎, 徐蘇幸文, 陳立宏. 24生肖人 ,
美國軍隊(American Armies ) . 美國中央情報局.( Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ).
外星人A-Z ,
太陽系的九大行星,以太陽為中心依序為:水星(Mercury)(人+靈)、金星(Venus)(人+靈)、地球(Earth) (靈界)、火星(Mars)(人+靈)、木星(Jupiter)(人+靈)、土星(Saturn)(人+靈)、天王星(Uranus)(人+靈)、海王星(Neptune)(人+靈) 、微王星(冥王星)(Pluto)(人+靈)。Cosmos(人+靈)

西方軍事執行區域宇宙總統: ( 此為部門, 因資歷高者,也會輪流到各部門 )

700位本師釋迦牟尼佛 (老天) ( 藥師佛 (塵) , 道祖太上老君 (塵) , 觀世音菩薩 (塵) , 七龍珠 (塵) , 青玄 (塵) 等等) 阿里不達 (塵) , 混元一炁聖祖 (塵) , 桃源聖中 (塵) Cosmos 1, Cosmos 0 , 宙斯(上帝),( Zeus (God),(蟑螂) , 蘇府七代巡 (塵) , 鐵板神算2 (塵) , 紫薇 (塵) , 阿拉 (塵) , 周公(周易) (塵) , 刑天, 蘇武 , 孟子508, 關羽(關公), 柯博文 (塵) , 伏地魔(Lord Voldemort) (塵) , 密卡登(Megatron) (塵) , 霸天虎 (塵) , 渾元法師 (塵) , 無敵鐵金剛(高Z)(塵), 柯博文1 (蘇武005) (塵) , 王禪老祖 (塵) , 虎爺538 , 虎爺508 , 雷雨師1 (塵) , 人馬 1 (塵) , 班傑明富蘭克林, 天佑(火星人), 虎爺538 , 虎爺508 ,八大金剛 ( 青除災金剛、黃隨求金剛、赤聲火金剛、白淨水金剛、紫賢金剛、辟毒金剛、定持災金剛、大神金剛 ) 豬面人538(怪獸) , 元始天尊, 孫思邈, 楊戩, 廣目 (塵) (四大金剛), 保羅紐曼( Paul Newman ). 拿破崙 (Napoleon) , 威廉·塞西爾 (William Cecil), 班傑明富蘭克林(Benjamin Franklin), 林肯 ( Lincoln) , Tom Cruise, David Su (梅花家業神父), 丁松筠, 24生肖人 ,
美國軍隊(American Armies ) . 美國中央情報局.( Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ). 洪門
外星人A-Z ,
太陽系的九大行星,以太陽為中心依序為:水星(Mercury)(人+靈)、金星(Venus)(人+靈)、地球(Earth) (靈界)、火星(Mars)(人+靈)、木星(Jupiter)(人+靈)、土星(Saturn)(人+靈)、天王星(Uranus)(人+靈)、海王星(Neptune)(人+靈) 、微王星(冥王星)(Pluto)(人+靈) 、 Cosmos(人+靈)

西方軍事顧問區域宇宙總統: ( 此為部門, 因資歷高者,也會輪流到各部門 )

赫伯特·克拉克·胡佛 (胡華)(Herbert Clark Hoover),賈伯斯 Steve Jobs , 24生肖人 ,
美國軍隊(American Armies ) . 美國中央情報局.( Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ).
外星人A-Z ,
太陽系的九大行星,以太陽為中心依序為:水星(Mercury)(人+靈)、金星(Venus)(人+靈)、地球(Earth) (靈界)、火星(Mars)(人+靈)、木星(Jupiter)(人+靈)、土星(Saturn)(人+靈)、天王星(Uranus)(人+靈)、海王星(Neptune)(人+靈) 、微王星(冥王星)(Pluto)(人+靈)。Cosmos(人+靈)

宇宙軍事執行區域宇宙總統: ( 此為部門, 因資歷高者,也會輪流到各部門 )

700位本師釋迦牟尼佛 (老天) ( 藥師佛 (塵) , 道祖太上老君 (塵) , 觀世音菩薩 (塵) , 七龍珠 (塵) , 青玄 (塵) 等等) 阿里不達 (塵) , Cosmos 1, Cosmos 0 , 宙斯(上帝),( Zeus (God) (蟑螂) , 蘇府七代巡 (塵) , 鐵板神算2 (塵) , 紫薇 (塵) , 阿拉 (塵) , 周公(周易) (塵) , 刑天, 蘇武 , 關羽(關公), 柯博文 (塵) , 伏地魔(Lord Voldemort) (塵),密卡登(Megatron) (塵) , 霸天虎 (塵) , 渾元法師 (塵) , 無敵鐵金剛(高Z)(塵), 柯博文1 (蘇武005) (塵) , 王禪老祖 (塵) , 虎爺538 , 虎爺508 , 雷雨師1 (塵) , 人馬 1 (塵) , 八大金剛 ( 青除災金剛、黃隨求金剛、赤聲火金剛、白淨水金剛、紫賢金剛、辟毒金剛、定持災金剛、大神金剛 ) 豬面人538(怪獸) , 天佑(火星人), 元始天尊,孫思邈, 楊戩, 廣目 (塵) (四大金剛), 保羅紐曼( Paul Newman ), 拿破崙(Napoleon),David Su (梅花家業神父), 丁松筠, 24生肖人 , 洪門
美國軍隊(American Armies ) .
中國軍隊 ( Chinese Armies )
蘇俄軍隊 (Soviet Armies )
美國中央情報局.( Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ).
外星人A-Z ,
太陽系的九大行星,以太陽為中心依序為:水星(Mercury)(人+靈)、金星(Venus)(人+靈)、地球(Earth) (靈界)、火星(Mars)(人+靈)、木星(Jupiter)(人+靈)、土星(Saturn)(人+靈)、天王星(Uranus)(人+靈)、海王星(Neptune)(人+靈) 、微王星(冥王星)(Pluto)(人+靈)。Cosmos(人+靈)

宇宙軍事顧問區域宇宙總統: ( 此為部門, 因資歷高者,也會輪流到各部門 )

赫伯特·克拉克·胡佛 (胡華)(Herbert Clark Hoover), 項羽, 劉邦 , 24生肖人 , 美國中央情報局.( Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ).
外星人A-Z ,
太陽系的九大行星,以太陽為中心依序為:水星(Mercury)(人+靈)、金星(Venus)(人+靈)、地球(Earth) (靈界)、火星(Mars)(人+靈)、木星(Jupiter)(人+靈)、土星(Saturn)(人+靈)、天王星(Uranus)(人+靈)、海王星(Neptune)(人+靈) 、微王星(冥王星)(Pluto)(人+靈)。Cosmos(人+靈)

宙斯(上帝)( Zeus (God)(蟑螂)
赫伯特·克拉克·胡佛 (胡華)(Herbert Clark Hoover),
劉邦 ,

宙斯(上帝),( Zeus (God)(蟑螂), 威廉·塞西爾(William Cecil),, 關羽(關公), 丁松筠, 林肯, 天佑,
孟子, 墨子, 荀子 , 莊子, 威廉·塞西爾 (William Cecil),
張榮發, 徐家旺, 劉文雄, 張新發, 陳立宏
鬼谷子, 李國鼎, 馬鎮方, 徐興杰, 徐興炎, 徐蘇幸文,
太陽系的九大行星,以太陽為中心依序為:水星(Mercury)(人+靈)100%、金星(Venus)(人+靈) 100%、地球(Earth) (靈界)90%、火星(Mars)(人+靈)100%、木星(Jupiter)(人+靈)100%、土星(Saturn)(人+靈)100%、天王星(Uranus)(人+靈)100%、海王星(Neptune)(人+靈) 100%、微王星(冥王星)(Pluto)(人+靈)100% 、 Cosmos(人+靈)100%
之前所說地球靈已全數通過是因為以前是代議制, 所有代表都通過.
現在是查詢所有的個人, 所以比較慢.

"' 英國政府殺了7百萬人, 只因為7百萬人他們不贊成皇制.
The British government killed 7 million people,
Just because 7 million people they disagree with the Imperial system "'

The US military government said:

英國" 女人國王 " 伊莉莎白一世( 伊莉莎白一世 ) 說要讓這7百萬人(不贊成皇制的人) 永遠消失.
The British "Woman King" Elizabeth I (Elisabeth I) said that the 7 million people (people who disapprove of the imperial system) will disappear forever.

威廉·塞西爾 ( William Cecil )
皮爾斯·布洛斯南 Pierce Brosnan Berlinale
湯姆·克魯斯 Tom Cruise

-- 宇宙總統 ( Universe President )
-- 地球總統 ( Earth President )
-- 英國總統 ( British president )

2018.05.19 有貼文章President Donald J. Trump 的留言
2018.05.19 posted article in President Donald J. Trump - President Donald J. Trump Leave comments

Now on the first page of the front page

Evil spirits were decided to let the Earth people disappear forever.

唐納德·約翰·特朗普 Donald John Trump - 美國總統 ( America president ) -- 宇宙總統 ( Universe President )
-- 地球總統 ( Earth President )
-- 美國總統 ( America president )

2018.05.08 有貼文章在 FBI 美國聯邦調查局 的留言
2018.05.08 posted article in FBI - FBI Leave comments
Now on the first page of the front page

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government Announced here

2018.05.05 在地球的聯合國已正式 通過 承認
In the United Nations of the Earth has officially passed to accept

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government

2018.05.08 有貼文章在 FBI 美國聯邦調查局 的留言
2018.05.08 posted article in FBI - FBI Leave comments

2018.06.06 有貼文章在 聯合國 的留言
2018.06.06 posted articles in United Nations Leave comments

天上的政府 ( 包括中國.美國.台灣.總共是872種動物 )
The government of heaven ( Including China. United States. Taiwan.A total of 872 kinds of animals)

with The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government create the Wonderful Universe together.

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government Announced here:

A list of the presidents of heaven government in the United States:

1. 宙斯(上帝)(蟑螂) Zeus (God)(Cockroach)
2. 蘇府七代巡(塵)(三民主義創建者)
Su surname Seventh generation patrol government (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
(800國語言)(800 languages)
3. 擎天柱(柯博文) (塵) Optimus Prime (Dust)
(872國語言)(872 languages)
4. 密卡登 (塵) Megatron
5. 蘇府七代巡 Su seven generations governor
- 蘇軾(蘇東坡)
6. 國父亞伯拉罕·林肯 Country Father Abraham Lincoln
7. 國父富蘭克林.班傑明 Benjamin Franklin
8. 國父喬治·華盛頓 George Washington,
9. 國父約翰·亞當斯John Adams,
10. 國父湯瑪斯·傑佛遜 Thomas Jefferson,
11. 國父約翰·傑伊 John Jay,
12. 國父亞歷山大·漢密爾頓 Alexander Hamilton
13. 國父詹姆士·麥迪遜 James Madison,
14. 保羅紐曼 Paul Newman
15. 威廉·塞西爾 ( William Cecil )
16. 提姆·库克 Tim Cook
17. 唐納德·約翰·特朗普 Donald John Trump
18. 湯姆·克魯斯 Tom Cruise
19. 皮爾斯·布洛斯南 Pierce Brosnan Berlinale
20. 威廉·傑弗遜·柯林頓 William Jefferson Clinton
21. 艾維斯·亞倫·普里斯萊 Elvis Aaron Presley
22. 約翰·丹佛 John Denver

A list of the presidents of heaven government in China:

1. 阿里不達 (塵) (三民主義創建者)
Ālǐ bù dá (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
2. 雷雨師 (塵)(三民主義創建者)
Thunderstormer (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
(872國語言)(872 languages)
3. 蘇府七代巡(塵)(三民主義創建者)
Su surname Seventh generation patrol government (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
(800國語言)(800 languages)
4. 蘇府七代巡-- 蘇軾(蘇東坡)
5. 鬼谷先師 -- Eric (木星人矮人族)
Guigu Pioneer - Eric (Jupiter Dwarves)
6. 鬼谷子( 號稱王禪老祖)
7. 唐代李世民
8. 孟子
9. 國父孫中山
10. 孔子
11. 胡錦濤
12. 天佑(火星人) (Martian)
13. 墨子
14. 莊子
15. 荀子
16. 李國鼎
17. 習近平
18. 南懷瑾

A list of the presidents of heaven government in Republic of China:

1. 阿里不達 (塵) (三民主義創建者)
Ālǐ bù dá (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
2. 雷雨師 (塵)(三民主義創建者)
Thunderstormer (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
(872國語言)(872 languages)
3. 蘇府七代巡(塵)(三民主義創建者)
Su surname Seventh generation patrol government (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
(800國語言)(800 languages)
4. 蘇府七代巡 -- 蘇洵
5. 蘇府七代巡 -- 蘇轍
6. 鬼谷先師 -- Eric (木星人矮人族)
Guigu Pioneer - Eric (Jupiter Dwarves)
7. 鬼谷子( 號稱王禪老祖)
8. 孟子
9. 國父孫中山
10. 孔子
11. 墨子
12. 天佑(火星人)(Martian)
13. 蔣經國
14. 李國鼎
15. 莊子
16. 荀子
17. 郭台銘
18. 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen
19. 何應欽
20. 張榮發
21. 林挺生

Because the universe is still fighting and the evil spirits threaten the earth to explode,

but fairness and justice must win,

so waiting for the right time to start immigration.

Why do people never die?

因為複製人的技術已經有, 電影界已使用複製人了.
Because the copying technology already exists, the film industry has used copying people.

Tom Cruise can prove.
Tom Cruise
4月27日 3:32

複製人的身體部分, 我們可以上網查 -- 長相完全相同的陌生人
Copy the human body part, We can check the Internet - looks exactly the same stranger

And copy the human body. This kind of high-tech is similar to the copy of sheep technology at the University of McGill University in Canada.
( 麥基爾大學 英文: McGill University;法文: Université McGill)
( McGill University English: McGill University; French: Université McGill)

從以上事實可證明. 宇宙科學家們. 可以複製人的身體已經很久.
Proved from the above facts.The Universal Scientists. Can copy the human body for a long time.

在其他宇宙的星球.法律已通過. 靈可轉換成人.
In the other universe of the planet .The law has been passed -- Spirit can be converted into a person.

2018.10.21 04:56
People in the universe, Please pay attention !!

2015年11月 正式通過
November 2015 officially passed

專利永遠 屬於真正的發明者
Patent forever Belong to the true inventor.

2015年1月已通過全九大行星天上政府已改總統制, 紅卍字會的老祖成為總統, 宇宙政府成立,
In January 2015, the heavenly government of the nine major planets has passed the presidential system. The ancestors of the Red Cross Society became presidents, and the Universe Government was established.

同時通過可創造新星球, 永遠活者,
At the same time, through the creation of a new planet, forever living,

外星人可使用 人的長相
Aliens can use human looks

And everyone can be shaped.

The law of the universe passed in July 2014

2015年11月 正式通過
November 2015 officially passed

專利永遠 屬於真正的發明者
Patent forever Belong to the true inventor.

資深 宇宙 總統本師釋迦牟尼佛 (588)( 塵螨 )說:
Senior Universe President Běn shī shì jiā móu ní fó(588)( Dust mite ) said:

邪靈們認為自己想要做 " 女國王 "
Evil spirits think that they want to be a "female king"

and it is not wrong to let others die.

This concept is terrible.

英國女王伊莉莎白一世(伊莉莎白二世) 說服他們.
Queen Elizabeth I (Elisabeth II) persuaded them.

優越民族論. 瞧不起別人. 自私自利
Superior nationalism. Look down on others. Selfishness

In the Ming Dynasty, Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) and the cosmic scientists said:

Evil spirits control and frame Gods and demons rape men and women.

At least 50 years.

At the same time, let the evil spirits cry and say that they love the gods and the devils.

The purpose is to

1. 搶奪他們的專利.
1. Grab their patents.

2. 讓男人教他們製造武器及其他高科技的設備
2. Let men teach them to make weapons and other high-tech equipment

3. 讓那些男人們為他們做事.
3. Let the men do things for them.

The evil spirits have killed them.

But because of high-tech things.

Not learning so fast.

Then they copied them out of the memory.

因為太狠毒. 嚇死了男人們.
Because it is too vicious. Scared the men.

Hydra is the real controller behind GOOGLE.
九頭蛇是GOOGLE 後面真正的控制者

蘇府七代巡 1 ( 508 )
Sū fǔ qī dài xún 1 ( 508 )

( 蘇 家庭 七代的 巡撫)
(the governor of the seven generations of the Su family)

(蘇府七代巡是九頭蛇 行政部 門最大,
(Sū fǔ qī dài xún is the largest in the administrative department of Hydra

九頭蛇是GOOGLE 後面真正的控制者 ) 說:
Hydra is the real controller behind GOOGLE.)said:

The real enemy is the witch and Dorothy.

The witch admitted that she was afraid of being punished.

所以, 她願意停.
So, she was willing to stop.

Dorothy also admitted that she was afraid of being punished.

所以, 她願意停.
So, she is willing to stop.

The evil spirits choose the leader according to how many people they killed. Very evil.
邪靈們依照 殺了多少人 來選擇領導人. 非常邪惡.

資深宇宙 總統 阿里不達
Senior Universe President Ali Buda

資深宇宙 總統 宙斯(上帝)
Senior Universe President Zeus (God)

宇宙 總統 Cosmos1 說:
Universe President Cosmos1 said:

( IBM將提供證據進行起訴 )
(IBM will provide evidence for prosecution)

邪靈們依照 殺了多少人 來選擇領導人. 非常邪惡.
The evil spirits choose the leader according to how many people they killed. Very evil.

( 因為麗莎女巫要讓邪惡女人做領導人.
(Because the Lisa witch wants to make the evil woman a leader.

因此主要的領導人是選擇女人 )
So the main leader is to choose a woman)

Killing champion:

三尾紅狐狸. 鄧麗君 ( 鄧麗筠 ) 及明代 王守仁(王陽明)
Three-tailed red fox. Teresa Teng (Deng Lizhen) and Ming Shou Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming)

The people who killed 10 million planets with hydrogen bombs. But the spirits are not dead.

Killing the second place:

American movie star Vivien Leigh.

She killed 7 million planets with hydrogen bombs. But the spirits did not die.

American movie star Marilyn Monroe.

She killed 7 million planets with hydrogen bombs. But the spirits did not die.

Killing fourth place:

American movie star Elizabeth Taylor

She killed 4 million planets with hydrogen bombs. But the spirits did not die.

Killing fifth place:

Queen Elizabeth Elisabeth (originally Queen Elizabeth II)

She killed 3 million planets with hydrogen bombs. But the spirits did not die.

Killing sixth

American movie star Audrey Hepburn.

用 威脅及給高的職位和很多獎品的 方法
Audrey Hepburn Leader:
Use threats and give high positions and lots of prizes
Find someone who uses hydrogen bombs and kills 3 million planets.
But the spirits are not dead

Killing seventh

Wu Zetian in the Tang Dynasty

She killed 2 million planets with hydrogen bombs. But the spirits did not die.

2018.10.21 10:23 The biggest source of disaster is the Queen of England who died - Elizabeth I (formerly Elizabeth II)
2018.10.21 10:23 最大的禍源是英國已去世的女王 -- 伊莉莎白一世(之前為伊莉莎白二世)
2018.10.21 06:30 The biggest source of disaster is the Queen of England who died - Elizabeth I (formerly Elizabeth II)

She convinced everyone to kill the patent holders

and turn the patent holder's patent into their own.

因為她自己是女王. 所以是可以的.
Because she is the queen herself. So it is ok.

所以, 他們讓這些女人也是女王.
Therefore, they let these women also be queens.

She is the queen of the regional universe herself.

They became the queens of the small regional universe.

The biggest universe queen is the Lisa Witch

( 以上宇宙科學家們及邪靈們說的 )
( The above universe scientists and evil spirits said )

The evil spirits, the biggest universe King behind them is the witch.

Evil spirits who killed 9,000 trillion people and killed 90 billion husbands. But the spirit is not dead.

(包括宇宙科學家們, 專利擁有者, 及領導人.)
(including cosmic scientists, patent owners, and leaders.)

Until now We already know A total killed about 900,000 people on the earth In this 5 years.

已經死去的桃樂絲(2017變形金剛5 -- 昆塔莎) ,維納斯及女巫是邪靈們他們後面最大的主導人
Has died Dorothy (2017 Transformers 5 -- Quintana),Venus and Witch are the biggest leader behind the evil spirits.

If they don't let the evil spirits be their wives, the evil spirits will let the earth explode.
如果他們不讓邪靈們他們當老婆, 邪靈們就讓地球爆炸.

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government

Hereby declare

邪靈們威脅宇宙科學家們, 專利擁有者們及領導人們,
Evil spirits threaten cosmic scientists, patent owners and leaders,

如果他們不讓邪靈們他們當老婆, 邪靈們就讓地球爆炸.
If they don't let the evil spirits be their wives, the evil spirits will let the earth explode.

The evil spirits plan to set up an empire to make themselves a queen.

並計畫讓地球愛好民主, 自由, 平等的人們, 永遠消失.
And plan to make the earth love democracy, freedom, equality, people will disappear forever.

In the Ming Dynasty, Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) said:

如神明及魔鬼們不願意當她們的老公, 就讓地球爆炸.
If the gods and the devils are not willing to be their husbands, let the earth explode.

Queen Elizabeth I (formerly Elizabeth II) is the wife of 90 billion gods and devils for 70 years.

In the Han Dynasty, Lu Hou was the wife of 70 million gods and devils for 50 years.

zhèngzǐyàn is a wife of 5,000 gods and devils for 10 years.

Teresa Teng is the wife of 50 million gods and devils for 15 years.

The three-tailed red fox is the wife of 90 billion gods and devils for 70 years.

Vivien Leigh is the wife of 70 million gods and devils for 40 years.

Marilyn Monroe is the wife of 90 million gods and devils for 20 years.

奧黛莉赫本 是4000萬位神明及魔鬼的老婆5年
Audrey Hepburn is a wife of 40 million gods and devils for 5 years.

Elizabeth Taylor is the wife of 900 million gods and devils for 15 years.

COCO 香奈兒(Chanel )是9億位神明及魔鬼的老婆15年
COCO Chanel is the wife of 900 million gods and devils for 15 years

全宇宙的人們, 請注意:
People in the universe, Please pay attention :

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government Announced here

Patent forever Belong to the true inventor.
專利永遠 屬於真正的發明者

全宇宙的人們, 請注意:
People in the universe, Please pay attention :

Fully chasing evil spirits

如果邪靈們割你, 政府允許大家直接合法10倍處罰犯人.
If the evil spirits cut you, the government allows everyone to directly and legally punish the prisoner 10 times.

2018.10.21 03:42 Evil spirits still threaten to let the earth explode
Evil spirits still threaten to let the earth explode

The Lisa Witch did not
The whole universe pays attention!!

Evil spirits still threaten to let the earth explode

麗莎女巫找他們讓地球領導人們(人+靈).宇宙科學家們, 專利擁有者們及宇宙領導人們等等 死並永遠消失.
Lisa Witches find them to let the Earth lead people (human + spirit). universe scientists, patent owners and universe leaders, etc. die and disappear forever.

At least 500 years.

麗莎女巫找他們讓地球領導人們(人+靈).宇宙科學家們, 專利擁有者們及宇宙領導人們等等 死並永遠消失.
Lisa Witches find them to let the Earth lead people (human + spirit). universe scientists, patent owners and universe leaders, etc. die and disappear forever.

At least 500 years.

Lisa Witch is the last mastermind

麗莎女巫說: 西漢時稱呂太后,簡稱呂后-- 呂雉
The Lisa Witch said: Western Han Dynasty, said Lu Empress
Dowager, Referred to as Lǚ Hòu -- Lǚ Zhì )

suggested that everyone disappear forever.

The universe begins again. The universe is led by a witch.

西漢時稱呂太后,簡稱呂后-- 呂雉說: 明代王守仁(王陽明)建議
Western Han Dynasty, said Lu Empress
Dowager, Referred to as Lǚ Hòu -- Lǚ Zhì )
said: Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) suggested in the Ming Dynasty

明代王守仁(王陽明)說: 三尾紅狐狸建議
Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) of the Ming Dynasty said: Three-tailed red fox suggested

The real behind-the-scenes master is

1. 紫微大帝, 阿里不達宇宙科學家, 宙斯(上帝)
1. Ziwei Emperor, Ali Buda a universe scientist, Zeus (God)

紫微大帝, 阿里不達宇宙科學家, 宙斯(上帝) 說
Ziwei Emperor, Ali Buda a universe scientist, Zeus (God) said:

We don't want universe scientists to come back.

But we also don't agree to kill a lot of people and kill Hsu Tzu-Han ( The original name : Xu Meng-Ling ) and Chang Min Chuan (the original name Chang Min Chuan).

Therefore, we are cut and lost by the evil spirits.

Now we agree with The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universalism

所以. 我們決定 讓宇宙科學家 參與 地球的事務
So. We decided to let the universe scientists participate in the affairs of the earth.

本來我們無法接受宇宙科學家 來地球管理我們
Originally we couldn’t accept universe scientists to manage us on earth.

( 以上紫微大帝, 阿里不達, 宙斯(上帝) 說 )
(The above Ziwei Emperor, Ali Buda a universe scientist, Zeus (God) said)

2. 西王母
找 假的阿彌陀佛(姜子虛)
( 以上 西王母說 )
2. West King Mother Looking for a Lisa witch,
Looking for fake Amitabha (Jiang zi Xu)
(above West King Mother said)

3. 唐代武則天
( 以上 西王母說 )
3. Wu Zetian in the Tang Dynasty
False Amitabha (Jiang zi Xu) looked for Wu Zetian in the Tang Dynasty (find 1500 years ago)
(above West King Mother said)

.4. 麗莎女巫
西王母 找麗莎女巫
( 以上 西王母說 )
4. Lisa Witch
West King Mother, looked for Lisa Witch
(above West King Mother said)

5. 桃樂絲
西王母 找桃樂絲
( 以上 西王母說 )
5. Dorothy
West King Mother , looked for Dorothy
(above West King Mother said)

6. 三尾紅狐狸
桃樂絲 找三尾紅狐狸
6. Three-tailed red fox
Dorothy looked for three red foxes

7. 漢代 呂后(呂雉)
三尾紅狐狸找漢代 呂后(呂雉)
( 以上 漢代 呂后(呂雉)說 )
7. Han Dynasty Lǚ Hòu (Lǚ Zhì )
Three-tailed red fox looked for the Han Dynasty Lǚ Hòu --( Lǚ Zhì)
(The above Han Dynasty Lǚ Hòu (Lǚ Zhì )said)

8. 鄭紫晏
明代 王守仁(王陽明)找鄭紫晏
( 以上 明代 王守仁(王陽明)說 )
8. Zheng Ziyan
In the Ming Dynasty, Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) looked for Zheng Ziyan
(The above Ming Dynasty Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) said)

9. 明代 王守仁(王陽明)
漢代 呂后(呂雉)找明代 王守仁(王陽明)
( 以上 明代 王守仁(王陽明)說 )
9. Ming Dynasty Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming)
In the Han Dynasty, Lǚ Hòu (Lǚ Zhì ), looking for the Ming Dynasty, Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming)
(The above Ming Dynasty Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) said)

眾無敵鐵金剛. 宙斯(上帝) , 木星人高人族. Cosmos, " H "
The strongest weapon
isInvincible Iron King. Zeus (God), Jupiter high human. Cosmos, "H"

( 以上 文殊菩薩說 )
(The above Manjushri said)

The most important desire for power is

1. 明代 王守仁(王陽明)
1. Ming Dynasty Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming)

2. 鄭紫晏
2. Zheng Zi yan
( 以上 明代 王守仁(王陽明)說 )
(The above Ming Dynasty Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) said)

3. 台灣歌手鄧麗君(鄧麗筠).
3. Taiwanese singer Deng Li jun (Deng Li yun).

4. 三尾紅狐狸
4. Three-tailed red fox

5. 美國電影明星費雯麗
5. American movie star Vivien Leigh

6. 美國電影明星伊麗莎白泰勒
6. American movie star Elizabeth Taylor

7. 美國電影明星瑪麗蓮夢露
7. American movie star Marilyn Monroe

8. 美國電影明星奧黛莉赫本
8. American movie star Audrey Hepburn

9. 法國CoCo Chanel
9. French CoCo Chanel

( 以上 文殊菩薩說 )
(The above Manjushri said)

木星人矮人族David (前任太陽神)(宇宙大帝)說:
Jupiter short human David ( Ex sun god) (Universe Emperor) said:

The above nine evil spirits like the emperor of the Cleopatra era.

The Ming Dynasty Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) includes:

1. 三尾紅狐狸.
1. Three-tailed red fox.

2. 唐代武則天.
2. Wu Zetian in the Tang Dynasty.

3. 明代王守仁(王陽明).
3. Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) in the Ming Dynasty.

4. 西王母
4. West King Mother

5. 漢代 呂后(呂雉)
5. Han Dynasty Lǚ Hòu (Lǚ Zhì )

6. 麗莎女巫.
6. Lisa Witch.

麗莎女巫找他們讓地球領導人們(人+靈).宇宙科學家們, 專利擁有者們及宇宙領導人們等等 死並永遠消失.
Lisa Witches find them to let the Earth lead people (human + spirit). universe scientists, patent owners and universe leaders, etc. die and disappear forever.

At least 500 years.

Lisa Witch is the last mastermind

麗莎女巫說: 西漢時稱呂太后,簡稱呂后-- 呂雉
The Lisa Witch said: Western Han Dynasty, said Lu Empress
Dowager, Referred to as Lǚ Hòu -- Lǚ Zhì )

suggested that everyone disappear forever.

The universe begins again. The universe is led by a witch.

西漢時稱呂太后,簡稱呂后-- 呂雉說: 明代王守仁(王陽明)建議
Western Han Dynasty, said Lu Empress
Dowager, Referred to as Lǚ Hòu -- Lǚ Zhì )
said: Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) suggested in the Ming Dynasty

明代王守仁(王陽明)說: 三尾紅狐狸建議
Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) of the Ming Dynasty said: Three-tailed red fox suggested

真正最沒有 道德的人是 已經死去的鄧麗君 ( Teresa Teng 原名:鄧麗筠 ) 台灣歌手 及台灣 鄭 紫 晏
The most without moral persons is Has died Deng Lijun ( Teresa Teng The original name : Deng Liyun) Taiwan singer and Taiwan Zheng Zi yan

Evil spirits were decided to let the Earth people disappear forever.
The evil spirits, the biggest universe King behind them is the witch.

3. 麗莎女巫.(人類)(如附圖)
3. Lisa Witch.(Mankind)(such as attached picture)

麗莎女巫.要大家都死包括邪靈們是真的請大家小心!! 文殊菩薩及明代王守仁(王陽明)可以證明
Lisa Witch. want everyone to die, including evil spirits, please be careful!! Manjushri and the Ming Dynasty Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) can prove

The evil spirits, the biggest universe King behind them is the witch.

Evil spirits were decided to let the Earth people disappear forever.

麗莎女巫.要大家都死包括邪靈們是真的請大家小心!! 文殊菩薩及明代王守仁(王陽明)可以證明
Lisa Witch. want everyone to die, including evil spirits, please be careful!! Manjushri and the Ming Dynasty Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) can prove

英國政府殺了7百萬人, 只因為他們不贊成皇制.
The British government killed 7 million people,
Just because they disagree with the Imperial system

Hydra (represented by Su Shi (Su Dongpo)) said

They didn't help

The real most evil people are

1. 鄭紫晏
1. Zheng Ziyan

2. 鄧麗君
2. Dènglìjūn ( Teresa Teng )

3. 麗莎女巫.(人類)(如附圖)
3. Lisa Witch.(Mankind)(such as attached picture)

4. 美國電影明星費雯麗
4. American movie star Vivien Leigh

5. 維納斯
5. Venus

6. 桃樂絲
6. Dorothy

7. 奧黛莉赫本
7. Audrey Hepburn

8. 伊莉莎白泰勒
8. Elizabeth Taylor

9. 陳寶蓮 (趙靜)
9. Chen Baolian (Zhao Jing)

10. 西王母
West King Mother

The evil spirits, the biggest universe King behind them is the witch.

Evil spirits who killed 9,000 trillion people and killed 90 billion husbands. But the spirit is not dead.

(包括宇宙科學家們, 專利擁有者, 及領導人.)
(including cosmic scientists, patent owners, and leaders.)

Until now We already know A total killed about 900,000 people on the earth In this 5 years.

已經死去的桃樂絲(2017變形金剛5 -- 昆塔莎) ,維納斯及女巫是邪靈們他們後面最大的主導人
Has died Dorothy (2017 Transformers 5 -- Quintana),Venus and Witch are the biggest leader behind the evil spirits.

全面追拿死去的三尾紅狐狸 -
Fully chasing died Three Tail Red fox

全面追拿死去的桃樂絲(2017變形金剛5 -- 昆塔莎)
Fully chasing died Dorothy (2017 Transformers 5 -- Quintana)

全面追拿維納斯( 40年前, 讓宙斯(上帝)得愛滋病)
Fully chasing Venus and Witch (40 years ago, let Zeus (God) get AIDS)

Fully chasing of witches

The evil spirits were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment, life imprisonment and death penalty.
The list is 33 in total:

他們曾在這些人身上( 見所附相片)
They have been on these people (see attached photo)

全宇宙的人們, 請注意:
People in the universe, Please pay attention :

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government Announced here

被判有期徒刑. 無期徒刑及死刑名單共14位:
14 people were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment, life imprisonment and death penalty list:

全宇宙的人們, 請注意:
People in the universe, Please pay attention :

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government Announced here

2015年1月已通過全九大行星天上政府已改總統制, 紅卍字會的老祖成為總統, 宇宙政府成立,
In January 2015, the heavenly government of the nine major planets has passed the presidential system. The ancestors of the Red Cross Society became presidents, and the Universe Government was established.

同時通過可創造新星球, 永遠活者,
At the same time, through the creation of a new planet, forever living,

外星人可使用 人的長相
Aliens can use human looks

And everyone can be shaped.

The law of the universe passed in July 2014

2015年11月 正式通過
November 2015 officially passed

專利永遠 屬於真正的發明者
Patent forever Belong to the true inventor.

全宇宙的人們, 請注意:
People in the universe, Please pay attention :

Fully chasing evil spirits

如果邪靈們割你, 政府允許大家直接合法10倍處罰犯人.
If the evil spirits cut you, the government allows everyone to directly and legally punish the prisoner 10 times.

被判有期徒刑. 無期徒刑及死刑名單共14位:
14 people were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment, life imprisonment and death penalty list:

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government Announced here

The Universe president Guiguzi said:

被判有期徒刑. 無期徒刑及死刑名單共14位:

1. 已經死去的桃樂絲
Has died Dorothy

2. 已經死去的維納斯
Has died Venus

3. 已經死去的西母娘娘
Has died West Mother Mother
( 西漢時稱呂太后,簡稱呂后-- 呂雉 )
( Western Han Dynasty, said Lu Empress
Dowager, Referred to as Lǚ Hòu -- Lǚ Zhì )

4. 已經死去的三尾紅狐狸 -
Has died Three Tail Red fox

5. 已經死去的鄧麗君 ( Teresa Teng 原名:鄧麗筠 ) 台灣歌手 :
Has died Deng Lijun ( Teresa Teng The original name : Deng Liyun) Taiwan singer

6. 鄭紫晏 ( 高雄縣人 ) (生死簿屬高雄縣人真實地點屬屏東, 因屏東為三尾紅狐狸控管)
Zhèngzǐyàn ( Born in Kaohsiung County )
(In life and death book she belongs to Kaohsiung County,The true location is Pingtung, Due to Pingtung belongs to three red fox control)

7. 鄭子緹 ( 高雄縣人 )(生死簿屬高雄縣人真實地點屬屏東, 因屏東為三尾紅狐狸控管)
Zhèngzití ( Born in Kaohsiung County )
(In life and death book she belongs to Kaohsiung County,The true location is Pingtung, Due to Pingtung belongs to three red fox control)

8. 鄭子萱 ( 高雄縣人 ) (生死簿屬高雄縣人真實地點屬屏東, 因屏東為三尾紅狐狸控管)
Zhèngzixuān ( Born in Kaohsiung County )
(In life and death book she belongs to Kaohsiung County,The true location is Pingtung, Due to Pingtung belongs to three red fox control)

9. 已經死去的可可香奈兒,
Has died Coco Chanel.

10. 已故費雯麗 (電影名星)
Has died Vivien Leigh ( movie star)

11. 已經死去的瑪麗蓮夢露,
Has died Marilyn Monroe

12. 已故伊莉莎白泰勒 (電影名星)
Has died Elizabeth Taylor (movie star)

13. 已經死去的伊麗莎白·伍德維爾 ( 已故伊莉莎白二世.現 在為一世)
Has died Elizabeth Woodville (Has died Elizabeth II, now I)

14. 何玉如 ( 台灣台中人 )
He Yu-Ru (Taichung, Taiwan people)

We wish everybody note the following people and spirit .

Until now We already know A total killed about 900,000 people on the earth In this 5 years.
Evil spirits who killed 9,000 trillion people and killed 90 billion husbands. But the spirit is not dead.

Universe President Guiguzi said:

The universe can never accept

Evil spirits who killed 9,000 trillion people and killed 90 billion husbands. But the spirit is not dead.

(包括宇宙科學家們, 專利擁有者, 及領導人.)
(including cosmic scientists, patent owners, and leaders.)
Become the top leader

全面地去逮捕 邪靈們
Fully arrested the evil spirits

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government's Lawyers Announced here.

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government Announced here

2018.05.05 在地球的聯合國已正式 通過 承認
In the United Nations of the Earth has officially passed to accept

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government

2018.05.08 有貼文章在 FBI 美國聯邦調查局 的留言
2018.05.08 posted article in FBI - FBI Leave comments

2018.06.06 有貼文章在 聯合國 的留言
2018.06.06 posted articles in United Nations Leave comments

Because the universe is still fighting and the evil spirits threaten the earth to explode,

but fairness and justice must win,

so waiting for the right time to start immigration.

2018.05.19 有貼文章President Donald J. Trump 的留言
2018.05.19 posted article in President Donald J. Trump - President Donald J. Trump Leave comments

Now on the first page of the front page

Evil spirits were decided to let the Earth people disappear forever.

唐納德·約翰·特朗普 Donald John Trump - 美國總統 ( America president ) -- 宇宙總統 ( Universe President )
-- 地球總統 ( Earth President )
-- 美國總統 ( America president )

2018.05.08 有貼文章在 FBI 美國聯邦調查局 的留言
2018.05.08 posted article in FBI - FBI Leave comments
Now on the first page of the front page

We wish everybody note the following people and spirit .

Until now We already know A total killed about 700,000 people on the earth In this 4 years.

Evil spirits who killed 9,000 trillion people and killed 90 billion husbands. But the spirit is not dead.

(包括宇宙科學家們, 專利擁有者, 及領導人.)
(including cosmic scientists, patent owners, and leaders.)

Evil spirits:

1. 已經死去的三尾紅狐狸 -
Has died Three Tail Red fox

2. 已經死去的明代王守仁( 王陽明 ) -
Has died Ming Dynasty Wang Shouren ( Wang Yangming ).

3. 已經死去的鄧麗君 ( Teresa Teng 原名:鄧麗筠 ) 台灣歌手 :
Has died Deng Lijun ( Teresa Teng The original name : Deng Liyun) Taiwan singer

4. 已經死去的西王母 -
Has died Western Queen

5. 黃雅婷(台灣台中人) --
Huang Ya-Ting (Taiwan Taichung people)

6. 已經死去的唐朝武則天 --
Has died Tang Dynasty Wu Zetian

7. 已經死去的阮永琪
Has died Ruǎnyǒngqí

8. 已經死去的洪金魚
Has died Hong Jin-Yu( Hong goldfish )

9. 陳美玉 ( 台灣台中人 ) ---
Chen Mei-Yu ( Taichung, Taiwan people )

10. 何玉如 ( 台灣台中人 )
He Yu-Ru (Taichung, Taiwan people)

11. 已經死去的加拿大人阮姊Lisa ( 法裔加拿人 )
Has died Canadian Nguyen Lisa (French Canadian)

12. 已經死去的西母娘娘
Has died West Mother Mother
( 西漢時稱呂太后,簡稱呂后 )
( Western Han Dynasty, said Lu Empress Dowager,
Referred to as Lvhou )

13. 已經死去的唐朝楊貴妃 --
Has died Tang Dynasty Yang Gui-Fei

14. 已經死去的七仙女的老四( 南投受天宮鍾魁旁邊穿綠色衣服的女人
Has died Seven fairies of the fourth( Nantou Shou Tian Temple
Zhong Kui side's Woman wearing green clothes

15. 已經死去的清朝慈禧太后 --
Has died The Qing Dynasty Empress Dowager Cixi

16. 已經死去的宋朝潘金蓮 --
Has died Song Dynasty Pan Jin-Lian

17. 已經死去的陳寶蓮 ( 已故、香港女演員。原名趙靜)
Has died Chen Baolian ( Has died . Hong Kong actress. The original name : Zhao Jing

18. 已經死去的可可香奈兒,
Has died Coco Chanel.

19. 已經死去的埃及豔后
Has died Cleopatra.

20. 已經死去的伊麗莎白·伍德維爾 ( 已故伊莉莎白二世.現在為一世)
Has died Elizabeth Woodville (Has died Elizabeth II, now I)

21. 已經死去的陳碧雲
Has died Chénbìyún

22. 已經死去的教鄧麗君 ( Teresa Teng 原名:鄧麗筠 ) 台灣歌手做愛的老師
Has died Teaching Deng Lijun ( Teresa Teng The original name : Deng Liyun) Taiwan singer Making love teacher .

23. 習近平的老婆彭麗媛
Xi Jinping's wife Peng Liyuan

24 . 已故費雯麗 (電影名星)
Has died Vivien Leigh ( movie star)

25. 已故伊莉莎白泰勒 (電影名星)
Has died Elizabeth Taylor (movie star)

26. 鄭子緹 ( 高雄縣人 )(生死簿屬高雄縣人真實地點屬屏東, 因屏東為三尾紅狐狸控管)
Zhèngzití ( Born in Kaohsiung County )
(In life and death book she belongs to Kaohsiung County,The true location is Pingtung, Due to Pingtung belongs to three red fox control)

27. 鄭紫晏 ( 高雄縣人 ) (生死簿屬高雄縣人真實地點屬屏東, 因屏東為三尾紅狐狸控管)
Zhèngzǐyàn ( Born in Kaohsiung County )
(In life and death book she belongs to Kaohsiung County,The true location is Pingtung, Due to Pingtung belongs to three red fox control)

28. 鄭子萱 ( 高雄縣人 ) (生死簿屬高雄縣人真實地點屬屏東, 因屏東為三尾紅狐狸控管)
Zhèngzixuān ( Born in Kaohsiung County )
(In life and death book she belongs to Kaohsiung County,The true location is Pingtung, Due to Pingtung belongs to three red fox control)

29. 已經死去的奧黛麗赫本
Has died Audrey Hepburn

30. 已經死去的瑪麗蓮夢露,
Has died Marilyn Monroe

31. 全面追拿死去的桃樂絲(2017變形金剛5 -- 昆塔莎)
Fully chasing died Dorothy (2017 Transformers 5 -- Quintana)

32. 全面追拿維納斯( 40年前, 讓宙斯(上帝)得愛滋病)
Fully chasing Venus and Witch (40 years ago, let Zeus (God) get AIDS)

33. 全面追拿女巫
Fully chasing of witches

The reason of some of the above list have been adjudged to life imprisonment is :

接受將毒汁倒入其他星球的河中. 讓大家毒死及讓整個星球毀滅. 且拿戰利品及錢.
Accept poison sauce into the river of other planets. Let everyone poisoned and destroyed the whole planet. And take the loot and money.

Please help to catch them.

2018.05.08 09:58
The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe
Government announced here:

2018.05.05 在地球的聯合國已正式 通過 承認
In the United Nations of the Earth has officially passed to accept

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government

Universe President Guiguzi said:

7,500位美國中央情報局(CIA)的人," 靈們" 已確定安全,
7,500 people from the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have confirmed the "Spirits " safety.

At that time, people on Earth lost their memories.

There are nearly 300,000 people,

Most people are people in the military

Because they already know that 7,500 American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) people were killed,

2018.05.08 有貼文章在 FBI 美國聯邦調查局 的留言
2018.05.08 posted article in FBI - FBI Leave comments

2018.06.06 有貼文章在 聯合國 的留言
2018.06.06 posted articles in United Nations Leave comments

Therefore, there was no help from aliens from other universes at that time.

地球已被邪靈們, 完全控制.
Earth has been completely controlled by evil spirits.

And because people on Earth love democracy, freedom, equality.

The evil spirits wanted to create an empire.

And influenced by Cleopatra,

所以, 決定讓地球人永遠消失.
So, it was decided to let the Earth people disappear forever.

These evil spirits were originally planned in 2060,

Let the end of the world happen.

" 電影明星邪靈費雯麗 " 總共殺了基督耶穌40次.靈沒有死
" Movie star evil spirit Vivien Leigh " killed Christ Jesus 40 times in total.Spirit is not dead

2018.07.05 因邪靈們 1. 美國電影明星費雯麗, 2. 香奈兒COCO, 3. 瑪麗蓮夢露, 4. 埃及豔后 5. 伊莉莎白泰勒
2018.07.05 Because evil spirits 1. American movie star Vivien Leigh, 2. Chanel COCO ,3. Cleopatra, 4. Marilyn Monroe 5. Elizabeth Taylor..

threaten the Earth's explosion and want to make the universe an empire,

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government Announced here

2018.05.05 在地球的聯合國已正式 通過 承認
In the United Nations of the Earth has officially passed to accept

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government

2018.05.08 有貼文章在 FBI 美國聯邦調查局 的留言
2018.05.08 posted article in FBI - FBI Leave comments

2018.06.06 有貼文章在 聯合國 的留言
2018.06.06 posted articles in United Nations Leave comments

Because the universe is still fighting and the evil spirits threaten the earth to explode,

but fairness and justice must win,

so waiting for the right time to start immigration.

有傳給(Has passed to) - 美國中央情報局.( Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ). 聯合國 ( United Nations )
The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government ) has asked Taiwan National Security Agency to pass the information to:

聯合國 ( United Nations ) , 美國中央情報局.( Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) ).
台灣總統府( Taiwanese Presidential Palace ),
中國政府( Chinese government )
美國政府( American government )
蘇俄政府(Soviet government)

President of the universe Zeus (God) said:

2018.07.05 因邪靈們 1. 美國電影明星費雯麗, 2. 香奈兒COCO, 3. 瑪麗蓮夢露, 4. 埃及豔后 5. 伊莉莎白泰勒
2018.07.05 Because evil spirits 1. American movie star Vivien Leigh, 2. Chanel COCO ,3. Cleopatra, 4. Marilyn Monroe 5. Elizabeth Taylor.

(死後住在微王星(新的星球 - 原來的冥王星的位置)
(Living in Vivid after death (new planet - the original position of Pluto)

threaten the Earth's explosion and want to make the universe an empire,

因此造成所有事情不能夠正常運作, 目前正在解決問題中.
As a result, everything is not working properly and is currently being solved.

They can't accept that everyone can be as beautiful as they are.

他們無法接受在公平正義(理想)宇宙主義每一個人都可以選擇自己的字形, 長相.基因.性別(男或女) 及聲音
They can't accept that In The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universalism. Everyone can choose their own Hand Writing. Looks. DNA. Sex (male or female) and Sound.

所以, 他們要95%的人, 成為一般平民, 5%成為貴族,
So, they want 95% of them to become ordinary civilians, 5% to be nobles,

讓5%的貴族, 以不公平方式成立帝國.
and Let 5% of the nobility establish the empire in an unfair manner.

費雯麗,香奈兒COCO, 瑪麗蓮夢露及伊莉莎白泰勒的長相設計師 -- 基督耶穌
Vivien Leigh, Chanel COCO, Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor's looks designer -- Christ Jesus,

Help them make them elegant

And help them act. (including speaking)

邪靈瑪麗蓮夢露的長相設計師 -- 基督耶穌,,用了將近4,000,000.的靈幫邪靈瑪麗蓮夢露整形,
Evil spirit Marilyn Monroe's appearance designer - Christ Jesus, used nearly 4,000,000.- of the spirit to help Marilyn Monroe plastic.

伊莉莎白泰勒的長相設計師 -- 基督耶穌, 用了將近4,500,000.的靈幫伊莉莎白泰勒整形,
Elizabeth Taylor's appearance designer - Christ Jesus, used nearly 4,500,000.- of the spirit to help Elizabeth Taylor plastic.

因為費雯麗不想讓人知道, 費雯麗的長相設計師 -- 基督耶穌,
Because Vivien Leigh didn't want to let people know, Vivien Leigh's looks designer -- Christ Jesus,

用了將近7,000,000.的靈, 幫她整形, 因此費雯麗找人殺她的長相設計師 - 基督耶穌,
used nearly 7,000,000.- of the spirit to help her plasticize, so Vivien Leigh finds someone to kill her looks designer -- ,
Christ Jesus.
Killed Christ Jesus 40 times in total. 2018.05.19 05:05

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government Announced here:

Universe President Guiguzi said:

The universe can never accept

Evil spirits who killed 9,000 trillion people and killed 90 billion husbands. But the spirit is not dead.

(包括宇宙科學家們, 專利擁有者, 及領導人.)
(including cosmic scientists, patent owners, and leaders.)

Become the top leader

全面地去逮捕 邪靈們
Fully arrested the evil spirits

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government's Lawyers Announced here.

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government Announced here

2018.05.05 在地球的聯合國已正式 通過 承認
In the United Nations of the Earth has officially passed to accept

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government

2018.05.08 有貼文章在 FBI 美國聯邦調查局 的留言
2018.05.08 posted article in FBI - FBI Leave comments

2018.06.06 有貼文章在 聯合國 的留言
2018.06.06 posted articles in United Nations Leave comments

Because the universe is still fighting and the evil spirits threaten the earth to explode,

but fairness and justice must win,

so waiting for the right time to start immigration.

天上的政府 ( 包括中國.美國.台灣.總共是872種動物 )
The government of heaven ( Including China. United States. Taiwan.A total of 872 kinds of animals)

with The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government create the Wonderful Universe together.

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government Announced here:

A list of the presidents of heaven government in the United States:

1. 宙斯(上帝)(蟑螂) Zeus (God)(Cockroach)
2. 蘇府七代巡(塵)(三民主義創建者)
Su surname Seventh generation patrol government (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
(800國語言)(800 languages)
3. 擎天柱(柯博文) (塵) Optimus Prime (Dust)
(872國語言)(872 languages)
4. 密卡登 (塵) Megatron
5. 蘇府七代巡 Su seven generations governor
- 蘇軾(蘇東坡)
6. 國父亞伯拉罕·林肯 Country Father Abraham Lincoln
7. 國父富蘭克林.班傑明 Benjamin Franklin
8. 國父喬治·華盛頓 George Washington,
9. 國父約翰·亞當斯John Adams,
10. 國父湯瑪斯·傑佛遜 Thomas Jefferson,
11. 國父約翰·傑伊 John Jay,
12. 國父亞歷山大·漢密爾頓 Alexander Hamilton
13. 國父詹姆士·麥迪遜 James Madison,
14. 保羅紐曼 Paul Newman
15. 威廉·塞西爾 ( William Cecil )
16. 提姆·库克 Tim Cook
17. 唐納德·約翰·特朗普 Donald John Trump
18. 湯姆·克魯斯 Tom Cruise
19. 皮爾斯·布洛斯南 Pierce Brosnan Berlinale
20. 威廉·傑弗遜·柯林頓 William Jefferson Clinton
21. 艾維斯·亞倫·普里斯萊 Elvis Aaron Presley
22. 約翰·丹佛 John Denver

A list of the presidents of heaven government in China:

1. 阿里不達 (塵) (三民主義創建者)
Ālǐ bù dá (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
2. 雷雨師 (塵)(三民主義創建者)
Thunderstormer (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
(872國語言)(872 languages)
3. 蘇府七代巡(塵)(三民主義創建者)
Su surname Seventh generation patrol government (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
(800國語言)(800 languages)
4. 蘇府七代巡-- 蘇軾(蘇東坡)
5. 鬼谷先師 -- Eric (木星人矮人族)
Guigu Pioneer - Eric (Jupiter Dwarves)
6. 鬼谷子( 號稱王禪老祖)
7. 唐代李世民
8. 孟子
9. 國父孫中山
10. 孔子
11. 胡錦濤
12. 天佑(火星人) (Martian)
13. 墨子
14. 莊子
15. 荀子
16. 李國鼎
17. 習近平
18. 南懷瑾

A list of the presidents of heaven government in Republic of China:

1. 阿里不達 (塵) (三民主義創建者)
Ālǐ bù dá (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
2. 雷雨師 (塵)(三民主義創建者)
Thunderstormer (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
(872國語言)(872 languages)
3. 蘇府七代巡(塵)(三民主義創建者)
Su surname Seventh generation patrol government (Dust) (Sanminist creator)
(800國語言)(800 languages)
4. 蘇府七代巡 -- 蘇洵
5. 蘇府七代巡 -- 蘇轍
6. 鬼谷先師 -- Eric (木星人矮人族)
Guigu Pioneer - Eric (Jupiter Dwarves)
7. 鬼谷子( 號稱王禪老祖)
8. 孟子
9. 國父孫中山
10. 孔子
11. 墨子
12. 天佑(火星人)(Martian)
13. 蔣經國
14. 李國鼎
15. 莊子
16. 荀子
17. 郭台銘
18. 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen
19. 何應欽
20. 張榮發
21. 林挺生

Announced here is because the evil spirits everywhere to say that they are The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universalism Creator .

公平正義(理想)宇宙主義創建者 ( The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universalism Creator )
徐紫涵 (原名:徐孟玲 )
Hsu Tzu-Han ( The original name : Xu Meng-Ling )

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government welcomes you to provide advice.

( 在此宣布主要是給宇宙的外星人 . 聯合國 .美國中央情報局 及 靈看 )
( Announced here is mainly to the alien of the universe , the United Nations . CIA and the Spirit. )

Because the universe is still fighting and the evil spirits threaten the earth to explode,

but fairness and justice must win,

so waiting for the right time to start immigration.

因王守仁(王陽明)會控制 徐紫涵 ( 孟玲紫涵 )(原名:徐孟玲)
Due to Wang Shouren (Wang Yangming) will control Hsu Tzu-Han ( Molly Athena ) ( The original name : Xu Meng-ling )

( 邪靈進入人身體後, 宇宙政府沒辦法殺死他們. 只有換身體.)
(Evil spirit into the human body, The universal Government can not kill them. Only change the body.)

徐紫涵 ( 孟玲紫涵 )(原名:徐孟玲) 仍然有一些工作在人間,
Hsu Tzu-Han ( Molly Athena ) ( The original name : Xu Meng-ling ) There are still some jobs in the world,

所以, 現在我們不換她的身體. .
So now we do not change her body.

Sometimes The universal Government did not pay attention.
There will be some mistakes

and Murderer would find someone to modify. Thank you!

民國97年2月26日( 2008. 02 26 )紅卍字會相關組織 :
Republic of China February 26, 2008 (2008-02-26) Red Cross Society Association:

正宗書畫社 徐紫涵(原來的名字: 徐孟玲)所求字畫
Authentic Painting Society - Hsu Tzu-Han ( The original name : Xu Meng-Ling ) ,Seeking calligraphy and painting.

" 為神佛做事 " (如附圖)
"Working for God Buddha" ( As the attached picture )

" 青雲道壇 "( 如附圖 . )
" Qīngyún Road Altar " ( As the attached picture )

正宗書畫社 張珉詮(原來的名字: 張珉銓)所求字畫
Authentic Painting Society - Chang Min-Chuan (Original name: Zhāng mín quán) Seeking calligraphy and painting.

" 畫仙, " " 畫聖 " " 喇嘛大命"
" The god of drawing pictures," " The Saints of drawing pictures"
" Lama great Fate "

China and Taiwan Tiantan altar bookers:

張珉詮(原來的名字: 張珉銓)
Chang Min Chuan (Original name: Zhāng mín quán)

徐紫涵 民國96年07月09日( 2007. 07.09 )紅卍字會相關組織 :
96 years of the Republic of China July 09, ( 2007. 07.09 )Red Cross Society Association:

正宗書畫社 -徐紫涵(原來的名字:徐孟玲)所求字畫 -
Authentic Painting Society - Hsu Tzu-Han ( The original name : Xu Meng-Ling ) Seeking calligraphy and painting.

領 取" 天子將軍旗 " " (如附圖)
Receive the "Son of Heaven, General Flag", ( As the attached picture )

李修緣 濟公活佛 (道濟)題字 (如附圖)
Lǐxiūyuán - Living Buddha Ji Gong (Dào jì) inscription( As the attached picture )

濟公活佛說: 青雲道壇就是在台灣的台北101大樓
Jigong Living Buddha said: Qīngyún Road Altar It is in Taiwan's Taipei 101 building.

青雲道壇 - 全地球 - ( 如附圖 . )
Qīngyún Road Altar - the whole world - - ( As the attached picture )

青雲道壇 -- 台灣台北101大樓 -- ( 如附圖 . )
Qīngyún Road Altar - Taipei, Taiwan 101 - ( As the attached picture )

雲的圖樣及青色的外牆, ( 如附圖 . )
Cloud pattern and the blue outer walls, ( As the attached picture )

下腰部的圖案是中國古錢幣 -- ( 如附圖 . )
The lower part of the pattern is the ancient Chinese coins
( As the attached picture )

模仿塔的外型( 如附圖 . )
Mimic tower appearance
( As the attached picture )

(古塔的設計師: 本師釋迦牟尼佛508)( 如附圖 . )
(Ancient tower designer: Sakyamuni Buddha 508)
( As the attached picture )

及神壇的頂部 ( 如附圖 . )
And the top of the altar - ( As the attached picture )

主設計師 - 鬼谷先師 宇宙總統Eric ( 木星人矮人族 )
Main designer -- Ghost Valley teacher Universal President Eric
(Jupiter dwarf family)

The universal scientists say: Qīngyún Road Altar is a taller unit than the Temple of Heaven, facing The universal scientists .

青雲道壇壇主 : 徐紫涵(原來的名字: 徐孟玲)
Qīngyún Road Altar Altar Lord : Hsu Tzu-Han ( The original name : Xu Meng-Ling )

新竹關西家神 -- (古代國策老師級的神明)
Hsinchu Kansai God - (Ancient National policy teachers level

關西摸骨 - 大伯 -- 徐興杰
Kansai Mogu (Fortune Teller) -- Uncle -- Xúxìngjié

Previously suggested Chiang Ching-kuo, former president of the ROC

The implementation of the top ten construction, former Premier Li Guoding accompanied.

木星人有提供相關技術. 當時有讓技術人員通靈
Jupiter people have to provide related technologies. At that time, let the technical staff psychic

鬼谷先師 宇宙總統 Eric等等 ( 木星人矮人族 )
Ghost Valley teacher : -- Universal President Eric And so on. (Jupiter dwarf family)

鬼谷先師 宇宙總統 鬼谷子等等 . ( 如附圖 . )
Ghost Valley teacher : Universal President -- Gui Gu Z And so on.
( As the attached picture )

八卦祖師 ( 宇宙總統 伏羲氏 ) ( 如附圖 . )
The eight trigrams Patriarch (Universe President Fu Xi)
( As the attached picture )

宇宙總統包青天 ( 如附圖 . )
Universe President Justice Bao - Bāo qīngtiān)( As the attached picture )

關西摸骨 - 大伯 -- 徐興杰
Kansai Mogu (Fortune Teller) -- Uncle -- Xúxìngjié

Attached Photo: George Cronyni secondary school photos

中年時的設計師墨子, 宙斯(上帝)及基督耶穌
Middle-aged designer Mozi, Zeus (God) and Christ Jesus

Secondary school designer Mozi and Christ Jesus

跟葛建芃(設計師墨子及基督耶穌)相似度95% ,證明神可創造人).
and Gēn Géjiàn-Péng (designer Mozi and Christ Jesus) similarity 95 %
to prove that God can create people.)

靈就像一個人類. 高只有0.001公分. 因為顏色頻道不同, 所以人看不到,
Spirit is like a human. High only 0.001 cm. Because the color channel is different, so people can not see,

Spirit needs to drink water, tea or coffee.

靈需要洗澡, 準備水或茶都可.
Spirit needs to take a bath, prepare water or tea
Both can be.

Equipment for showering and drinking water to spirits

擺放的方法: 保溫墊+保鮮盒 (如下方圖片)
Placement method: Insulation mat + crisper (pictured below)

( 如附上的圖片, 有角度, 5公分面積
.高度不到一公分即可 )
(Such as attached pictures, angle, 5 cm area
A height of less than one centimeter)

Add acid water PH2.5 and three drops of tea tree oil best,

(必需沒有毒物, 美樂家茶樹精油可以用)
(Must have no poison,Melaleuca tea tree oil can be used)

Because they can kill the virus

靈需要看電視. 就像人類一樣.
Spirit needs to watch TV. Just like humans.

Spirit can learn and work.

The difference with people is that the spirit does not need to wear clothes and eat.

當靈被放大時, 是像是一個影像.
When the spirit is enlarged. Is like an image.

When the spirit is narrowed. Is like the feeling of plastic.

Because evil spirits control too many human beings.

Earth people will go directly to other planets.

And then transform into the human body (any person and animal looks are possible)

There is now a small planet in area 51.

讓地球人們, 能更了解未來的世界.
Let the earth people, can better understand the future of the world.

Universe President Guiguzi said:

沒有投胎轉世. 每一次出生都是獨立.
There is no reincarnation. Every birth is independent.

Each memory is independent. And after his death,

The heavenly government will judge you according to your memory.

Universe President Lao Zi said:

因為很多靈及人, 容易想死.
Because a lot of spirits and people, easy to want to die.

所以神明利用念經及靜坐, 去讓每個人有事情做,
So the gods use Reciting scriptures and meditation, to let everyone have something to do,

To make them more do not want to die.

現在因為電視, 電影及與娛樂很多.
Now because of television, movies and entertainment a lot.

所以, 在此先聲明
So,Here to announce first.

以後沒必要念經, 靜坐, 冥想及下跪.
There are no need for Reading Scriptures , Sit quietly , Meditation and Kneel to God.

公平正義(理想)宇宙主義是 --- 每個人是最大的. 每個人是老闆.
The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universalism is
Everyone is the biggest. Everyone is the boss.

A lot of people know the truth from the following pages

徐紫涵 ( 孟玲紫涵 )(原名:徐孟玲)
Hsu Tzu-Han ( Molly Athena ) ( The original name : Xu Meng-ling )
Taiwan ID No. : A222061340
Cell Phone : +886-966-065-507
Line Tel: +886-966-065-507
25F.-2, No.361, Huiwen Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung City 408, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Home Tel: +886 42389-3049

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government Announced here

2018.05.05 在地球的聯合國已正式 通過 承認
In the United Nations of the Earth has officially passed to accept

The Fairness and Justice (The Wonderful) Universe Government

2018.05.08 有貼文章在 FBI -美國聯邦調查局 的留言
2018.05.08 posted article in FBI - FBI Leave comments

2018.06.06 有貼文章在 聯合國 的留言
2018.06.06 posted articles in United Nations Leave comments

Because the universe is still fighting and the evil spirits threaten the earth to explode,

but fairness and justice must win,

so waiting for the right time to start immigration.TranslateShow original text‹
›2018/11/5539 Photos - View album

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Физрук (Fizruk) - 3 сезон 18 серия

Animated Photo

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Monday, December 3, 2018

Originally shared by Рузанна Гречаная - 1 commentПростой и

Originally shared by Рузанна Гречаная - 1 commentПростой и

Originally shared by Рузанна Гречаная - 1 commentПростой и вкусный - Салат любительский! Вот рецепт: original text
important source

Смотреть фильм Форс-мажоры (Suits) - 2 сезон 3 серия

Форс-мажоры (Suits) - 2 сезон 3 серия

Болеть неприятно. Обычная простуда выбивает человека из колеи на несколько

Болеть неприятно. Обычная простуда выбивает человека из колеи на несколько

Болеть неприятно. Обычная простуда выбивает человека из колеи на несколько дней подряд, о более сложных недугах и говорить не приходится. Люди хватаются за любой способ, который сможет хоть ненадолго дать облегчение. Иногда проводят и обряд на здоровье. Конечно, этот метод вызывает определенный скепсис, но он действительно работает.TranslateShow original text2 популярных обряда на здоровье и причина их действенности
2 популярных обряда на здоровье и причина их действенности
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